By adopting the climate and water strategies, the low-carbon transition plan and by expanding our list of priority SDGs, PhosAgro has once again demonstrated that the environmental and climate agendas are at the core of its day-to-day operations. We have designed our investment programme to upgrade production facilities and increase efficiency with the Company’s environmental footprint in mind to help reduce direct GHG emissions.Irina Bokova, Chair of the Board of Directors’ Sustainable Development Committee
PhosAgro is among the most highly engaged participants of the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative
Protection of the Company’s employees, and support of healthcare and social institutions during COVID-19 in the cities where we operate. Total project spending in 2020 stood at 3 RUB bln
Spending on social programmes and charity totalled 4 RUB bln
PhosAgro has the world’s largest fleet of remote-controlled deep drilling rigs +10% productivity increase
Code of Conduct for Counterparties and supplier ESG rating >60 criteria to assess ESG aspects
Following modernisation, the sulphuric acid plant at the Balakovo site can recycle steam to generate power and is now 80 % self-sufficient in electricity
The Company launched production of granulated ammonium sulphate for both direct application and dry fertilizer mixtures. This is Russia’s only large-scale granulated ammonium sulphate facility with a capacity of 110 ktpa
Ambitious infrastructure initiative for long trains (over 70 railcars in length). 69% of PhosAgro’s total shipments in 2020
PhosAgro’s sales of mineral fertilizers in Africa have been on the rise, growing in 2020 by 30% PhosAgro’s sales office in South Africa helps drive the Company’s sales in the region
Over RUB 2 bln invested in the development of the Russian regional sales network. Mineral fertilizer supplies to Russian farmers in 2020 3.54 mln t
Soil Doctor project to promote sustainable agriculture. Participating in the project are 5,000 farmers from around the world
PhosAgro partners with FAO to improve farmer skills and launch a global network of soil laboratories in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East Funding 1.2 USD mln
PhosAgro has been consistently increasing the output of mineral fertilizers with micronutrients, with production growing from 524 kt in 2019 to 621 kt in 2020. In 2021, the Company will launch new grades to expand output 2.7 times to1.7 mln t
PhosAgro has the world’s largest fleet of remote-controlled deep drilling rigs +10 % productivity increase
Code of Conduct for Counterparties and supplier ESG rating >60 criteria to assess ESG aspects
Following modernisation, the sulphuric acid plant at the Balakovo site can recycle steam to generate power and is now 80 % self-sufficient in electricity
The Company launched production of granulated ammonium sulphate for both direct application and dry fertilizer mixtures. This is Russia’s only large-scale granulated ammonium sulphate facility with a capacity of 110 ktpa
Ambitious infrastructure initiative for long trains (over 70 railcars in length). 69 % of PhosAgro’s total shipments in 2020
PhosAgro’s sales of mineral fertilizers in Africa have been on the rise, growing in 2020 by 30 % PhosAgro’s sales office in South Africa helps drive the Company’s sales in the region
Over RUB 2 bln invested in the development of the Russian regional sales network. Mineral fertilizer supplies to Russian farmers in 2020 3.54 mln t
Soil Doctor project to promote sustainable agriculture. Participating in the project are 5,000 farmers from around the world
PhosAgro partners with FAO to improve farmer skills and launch a global network of soil laboratories in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East Funding 1.2 USD mln
PhosAgro has been consistently increasing the output of mineral fertilizers with micronutrients, with production growing from 524 kt in 2019 to 621 kt in 2020. In 2021, the Company will launch new grades to expand output 2.7 times to1.7 mln t