unique product–important mission
From Green Mine to Green Plate principle is key to Russian producers success in global food markets. Competitive pricing is yet another factor to place Russian eco-efficient agricultural products at the centre of the global consumer market.James Rogers, member of the Board of Directors, independent director

Sales under national brand «GREEN STANDARD»
For more information on the Company’s Strategy to 2025, see Strategic Report section
<1 mg Cd / kg P2O5 thanks to its magmatic origin, phosphate rock mined on the Kola Peninsula boasts exceptional purity
1,820 mln t Reserves (categories A + B + C1 + C2) of highquality apatitenepheline ore from igneous rock deposits
37.55 mln t Apatite-nepheline ore extracted
12.3 −10.5% RUB bln Cost of annual potash consumption
4.4 −52.4% RUB bln Cost of annual sulphur and sulphuric acid consumption
12.3 −2.3% RUB bln Cost of annual consumption of natural gas
4.8 17.3% RUB bln Cost of annual ammonia consumption
8,400 own fleet of railcars
15vs 2019 % quicker railcar turnaround
30at 2019 % reduction in the number of third-party mineral hoppers used due to quicker turnaround
140.1 kg of CO2-eq. / t (-2.2% y-o-y) of Scope 1 GHG emissions
PhosAgro takes part in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
PhosAgro takes part in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
11.7 +0.1% mln t phosphate rock and nepheline concentrates, including 7.4 mln t of own (+2% y-o-y) consumption
7.6 +4.4% mln t phosphate-based fertilizers and feed phosphates
2.4 +6.7% mln t nitrogen-based fertilizers
0.2 +12.3% mln t other products
7.2 +1.8% mln t fertilizer transshipment at ports
8 at 2019 % lower unit cost of transshipment (USD/t)
22.0 +1.1% mln t rail shipments
PhosAgro is a supplier of eco-efficient products RUB 253.9 bln Revenue
203.6 RUB bln (phosphate-based products in domestic market — RUB 68.0 bln)
38.7 RUB bln (nitrogen-based products in domestic market — RUB 7.2 bln)
11.6 RUB bln OTHER (internal market — RUB 9.8 bln)
>100 countries Products effectively used in >100 countries with different climatic conditions
52 fertilizer grades, including 12 with micronutrients
Project with DANONE to create forage grass and silage corn nutrition for the production of eco-friendly, premium quality milk
<1 mg Cd / kg P2O5 thanks to its magmatic origin, phosphate rock mined on the Kola Peninsula boasts exceptional purity
1,820 mln t Reserves (categories A + B + C1 + C2) of highquality apatitenepheline ore from igneous rock deposits
37.55 mln t Apatite-nepheline ore extracted
12.3 −10.5% RUB bln Cost of annual potash consumption
4.4 −52.4% RUB bln Cost of annual sulphur and sulphuric acid consumption
12.3 −2.3% RUB bln Cost of annual consumption of natural gas
4.8 17.3% RUB bln Cost of annual consumption of due to quicker turnaround nitrogen-based fertilizers
8,400 own fleet of railcars
15 at 2019 % quicker railcar turnaround
30 at 2019 % reduction in the number of third-party mineral hoppers used due to quicker turnaround
140.1 kg of CO2-eq. / t (-2.2% y-o-y) of Scope 1 GHG emissions
PhosAgro takes part in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
PhosAgro takes part in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
11.7 +0.1% mln t phosphate rock and nepheline concentrates, including 7.4 mln t of own (+2% y-o-y) consumption
7.6 +4.4% mln t phosphate-based fertilizers and feed phosphates
2.4 +6.7% mln t nitrogen-basedfertilizers
0.2 +12.3% mln t other products
7.2 +1.8% mln t fertilizer transshipment at ports
8 at 2019 % ower unit cost of transshipment (USD/t)
22.0 +1.1% mln t rail shipments
PhosAgro is a supplier of eco-efficient products RUB 253.9 bln Revenue
203.6 RUB bln (phosphate-based products in domestic market — RUB 68.0 bln)
38.7 RUB bln (nitrogen-based products in domestic market — RUB 7.2 bln)
11.6 RUB bln OTHER (internal market — RUB 9.8 bln)
>100 countries Products effectively used in >100 countries with different climatic conditions
52 fertilizer grades, including 12 with micronutrients
Project with DANONE to create forage grass and silage corn nutrition for the production of eco-friendly, premium quality milk