AN – ammonium nitrate 

ANBP – apatite-nepheline beneficiation plant

ANSES – French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety

ASF – African swine fever 

ATG – atmosphere gauge (unit of pressure)

BAT – best available technique

bln – billion

Capex – capital expenditure

CCl4– carbon tetrachloride

Cd – cadmium

CDA 2 – nationwide programme to modernise the electricity industry

CDP – Carbon Disclosure Project

CIS – Commonwealth of Independent States

CJSC – closed joint-stock company

CO2 – carbon dioxide

COVID-19 – сoronavirus disease 2019, the pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)

DAP – diammonium phosphate

DCDA – Double Contact Double Absorption

DROZD – Educated and Healthy Children of Russia programme

EBITDA – earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation

EMERCOM – Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters

ESG – environmental, social, and governance

ESPP – European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform

EU – European Union

FAO – Food and Agriculture Organisation

GDP – gross domestic product

GDR – global depositary receipt

GLONASS – Global Navigation Satellite System

GLOSOLAN — Global Soil Laboratories Networks; supporting the GLOSOLAN by developing research capacities and strengthening the Regional Soil Laboratories Networks (RESOLAN)

GRI – Global Reporting Initiative

GSP – Global Soil Partnership

H2SO4 – sulphuric acid

HR – human resources

HSE – health, safety and environment

IFA – International Fertilizer Association

IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards

IMF – International Monetary Fund

IPCC – in-pit crushing and conveying at the Vostochny mine

IRR – internal rate of return

IT – information technology

IUPAC – International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

IYPT 2019 – International Year of the Periodic Table

JSC – joint-stock company

kg – kilogram

KPI – key performance indicator

kWh – kilowatt-hour

LSE – London Stock Exchange

LTIFR – lost time injury frequency rate

MAP – monoammonium phosphate

MCP – feed monocalcium phosphate

mg – milligram

mln – million

MOP – muriate of potash

MS – management system

MW – megawatt

NH3 – ammonia

NIUIF – Samoilov Scientific Research Institute for Fertilizers and Insectofungicides

NO2 – nitrogen dioxide

NPK – nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer

OJSC – open joint-stock company

OPEC – Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

P2O5 – phosphoric pentoxide

PhosAgro Group  – PJSC PhosAgro and its subsidiaries

PJSC – public joint-stock company

PwC – PricewaterhouseCoopers

R&D – research and development

RAFP – Russian Association of Fertilizer Producers

RAS – Russian Accounting Standards

REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals

Rospotrebnadzor – Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing

Rosstandart – Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology

Rostekhnadzor – Federal Service for the Supervision of Environment, Technology and Nuclear Management

RSPP – Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

RUB – Russian rouble

SDG – UN Sustainable Development Goal

SMEs – small and medium-sized enterprises

SO2– sulphur dioxide

STPP – sodium tripolyphosphate

Strategy to 2025 – PhosAgro’s Development Strategy to 2025

– metric tonne

ths – thousand

TTF – Title Transfer Facility

UDT – thermal treatment facility

UN – United Nations

UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

USA – United States of America

USD – United States dollar

VAT – value-added tax

VOC – volatile organic compound

WHO – World Health Organisation