The Company’s role in the industry

№ 1 globally as a producer of high-quality phosphate rock (P2O5 content at 39% and above)
№ 1 in Europe in terms of urea and mineral fertilizer capacity concentrated at one production facility (Apatit, Cherepovets)
One of the top-5 global producers of DAP/MAP by capacity
100+ products supplied to countries covering all inhabited continents

Factory Europe’s largest producer of phosphate-based fertilizersBy total production capacity for DAP/MAP/NP/NPK/NPS.1
Train Leading supplier of all types of mineral fertilizers in the Russian market in aggregate terms
Feed The only Russian and one of the leading European producers of feed phosphate (MCP) and liquid complex fertilizers
Share of the Company’s supplies in the key sales markets (share of DAP/MAP/NPS/NPK supplies in total regional imports, 2020 estimates), %
Sources: CRU, RAFP
Peer comparison by EBITDA margin, 2020